DIRT is a Southern Gothic play adaptation of Antigone set on a rural farmhouse in early 1950s Georgia. It follows recently orphaned Alma as she defies her sadistic uncle to give her late brother a proper burial. The first production debuted Off-Off-Broadway in March 2024, with James playing Alma Taylor.
Poster by Julia Lopac
HER STUFF is a not yet produced short psychological horror script about a girl suffering from contamination OCD who develops a phobia of the belongings her late roommate left behind. James hopes to produce this script in the near future.
RUNAWAY is a short romantic comedy film written and directed by JoHannah James and produced at Stonestreet Studios. The story is based on how James's parents got together after her father skipped his own rehearsal dinner before running into his high school crush--James's mother.
RUNAWAY Starring Aidan Moore & Olivia Knowles